A variety of EMF protection products laid out on the floor during EMF Academy product testing.

13 EMF Protection Products That Actually Work

*The information on EMF Academy is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please review our full Medical Disclaimer for more details. This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure to learn more.

Over the several years that I've been writing about EMF radiation, I've recommended quite a few different products.

From time to time, as new products have hit the market I've updated those recommendations.

However, the market for EMF protection products is growing just as fast (or faster) than the number of people who are learning about this topic.

The growing demand for EMF protection products has led to the rise of ineffective products that may give a false sense of security.

Now, I feel that it is my responsibility to give you my thoughts on these products.

I own well over 200 EMF protection and RF protection products, everything from anti-radiation boxers to cell phone cases to baby blankets to EMF meters, and just about anything else you can think of.

The picture at the top of this article features just a few of the products that I've tested recently.

Most of those products I've tested myself (if it was possible to test) and written about my experiences and thoughts here on EMF Academy.

Now, this post is not any sort of guarantee that these products work, or that they will protect you.

I can't make that guarantee, as I don't own any of these brands or companies and things could change.

Instead, this post is about the products, and types of products, that I believe in the most.

So, let's start by talking briefly about what EMF protection products are.

After that, we'll dive into the list of what I think are the 13 best EMF protection products on the market. I'll give you my thoughts on the products, talk about how they work, show you where the best place to buy them is, and link you to further reading.

Here's a table showing the 13 different EMF protection products I'll be talking about, along with a link to a full article if you want to learn more.

13 EMF Protection Products That Work

ProductPurposeHow It WorksKey BenefitLearn More
1. EMF MeterMeasure EMF radiation levelsDetects magnetic, electric, and RF radiationHelps identify exposure sourcesLearn More About EMF Meters
2. EMF Protection Phone CaseReduce exposure while using your phoneBlocks radiation from one side while maintaining a connectionProtects your head during callsLearn More About EMF Protection Phone Cases
3. Airtube HeadphonesSafe audio while reducing head radiation exposureUses air tubes to distance speakers from the headMinimizes brain exposure to EMFsLearn More About Airtube Headphones
4. Smart Meter ShieldBlock radiation from smart metersFaraday cage design blocks 98% of RF radiationReduces home radiation exposureLearn More About Smart Meter Shields
5. WiFi Router GuardLimit radiation from WiFi routersEncloses router in a Faraday cageBlocks ~90% of RF emissionsLearn More About WiFi Router Guards
6. EMF Protection BlanketShield body or baby from nearby devicesSilver mesh blocks radiationProtects vulnerable individualsLearn More About EMF Protection Blankets
7. Aires Tech ProductsHarmonize and reduce EMF effectsUses bio-energetic technology to interact with EMFsReduces biological stress caused by EMF exposureLearn More About Aires Tech Products
8. Laptop ShieldProtect lap and body during laptop useBlocks radiation from beneath the laptopShields reproductive organs and skinLearn More About Laptop Shields
9. EMF Protection ClothingProtect specific body parts from radiationUses metallic mesh embedded in clothingShield the body or baby from nearby devicesRead my full article
10. Bed CanopyReduce radiation exposure while sleepingCreates a Faraday cage around the bedImproves sleep quality
11. EMF PaintBlock radiation through wallsSpecial paint blocks 99.975% of RF radiationProtects specific rooms from external EMFsRead my full article.
12. Dirty Electricity FiltersShields vulnerable areas like the head and torsoFilters out high-frequency transientsLowers radiation exposure from home wiringRead my full article
13. Faraday BagsShield devices from radiation and trackingBlocks EMF radiation from entering or leavingProtects privacy and reduces radiationRead my full article

What Are EMF Protection Products?

As the name suggests, these are products designed with the intent of protecting the user or wearer from EMF radiation.

I've covered it in dozens of other posts, so I'm not going to try and convince you here that reducing your exposure to EMF radiation from things like WiFi, cell phones, cell towers, 5G, and other things is a good idea.

However, if you already understand, or take my word for it, that excess EMF radiation has adverse health effects, then reducing your exposure will help protect you and your loved ones.

That is where EMF protection products come into play.

Now, these types of products are wide-ranging, which can make it a little bit tough to determine what is a good product and what isn't.

For example, I recently wrote an enormous guide to anti-radiation stickers.

These stickers, typically placed on your cell phone, are supposed to protect you from EMF radiation.

In my opinion, and the opinion of many experts, this is all but impossible.

Worse yet, there is no way for me to test these products even if they did work because they don't “block” EMF radiation in the traditional sense.

There are many more products that sort of fall into this category, including EMF protection pendants, bracelets, desk pyramids, and many others.

Now, I'm not saying that there is no way that none of these products work, I'm just saying that it is nearly impossible for me to know since I can't test them myself.

So, this article will instead focus on products that I have the most confidence about.

13 EMF Protection Products That Actually Work

A few quick disclaimers: 1. I can't guarantee that these products work, I just have a personal belief in them and feel that they are great products. 2. I am not a doctor, and nothing in this article or on this website should be considered medical advice (see our medical disclaimer here). 3. Although many of the links in this article are affiliate links, which help support my work, I never promise promotion or advertisement, and I never let affiliate relationships affect which products I endorse.

Here are 13 EMF protection products that I really believe in. These are not in any sort of order.

1. EMF Meter

Check the current price on Amazon.
Read my full guide on EMF meters.

A Trifield EMF meter model TF2 displays readings on its digital screen, with a dial for selecting different modes.

No list of EMF protection products would be complete without talking about EMF meters, which is easily the product I recommend most often.

Now, although an EMF meter doesn't “protect you” from EMF radiation in the traditional sense, no single tool will do more to reduce your exposure.

A quality EMF meter, like my favorite the Trifield TF2, will allow you to measure the radiation in your home, at your office, or anywhere else.

You can find out how much RF radiation is being emitted from your WiFi router for example.

You can measure the amount of RF it's emitting right next to it, and in various rooms around your house.

A good EMF meter, like the Trifield TF2 by Alphalabs, will measure all three types of EMF radiation: magnetic field, electric field, and radiofrequency.

That way, you can measure EMF radiation from anything, and not just from wireless devices.

So, let's walk through a few examples of why this is so important, and how you can use your EMF meter to find out what EMF protection products you might need.

First, let's say you have a smart meter on your home, but you're not sure how much radiation that is actually exposing you to.

You can swap your EMF meter to RF radiation, and then go out and measure how much RF radiation it's emitting.

You can then go inside your home, on the opposite wall, and measure how much radiation is making it inside the home.

Now, let's say you end up buying a smart meter guard (that we'll talk about below) to reduce the amount of radiation making it into your home.

You can now use your EMF meter to compare the readings before the smart meter guard, and after, to confirm that it actually reduced your exposure.

Let's say you read in one of my articles that it isn't so great to sleep next to your cell phone.

Well, you could simply place your EMF meter on the pillow where you sleep and get a reading with your cell phone on the nightstand, and without it.

So, whether you're buying products to reduce your exposure, or just using simple tips, you'll need an EMF meter to actually know if the EMF protection products you're buying are making a difference!

2. EMF Protection Cell Phone Case

Defendershield EMF blocking phone case

Check out my favorite case from Defendershield.
Read my full article on EMF protection cell phone cases.

No list of EMF protection products would be complete without talking about EMF protection cell phone cases.

Here is how most of these cases work, including the one I use from Defendershield.

If you look at the picture, you'll see that it is a wallet case, meaning that it has a front flap that closes.

This front flap is the only part that blocks EMF or RF radiation.

So, the idea is that you answer or make a phone call, and then you close the case so that the front flap is between you and the phone while you're talking.

This does two things:

1. It protects your head from a large part of the radiation.

2. Having the protection on only one side of the phone allows it to still maintain a full connection to cell phone towers. If there was blocking material on all sides of the phone, it would not be able to operate, and would likely emit more radiation as it would have to work harder to maintain a connection.

These wallet/flap-style cases are by far the most common, and for good reason, they make sense.

However, there are a few other types on the market, but I have mixed feelings about how well they work.

For example, the Alara case by Brink Cases (formerly Pong) doesn't work the traditional way.

The way that this case is supposed to work, is that the case itself houses a copper antenna.

That copper antenna boosts the signal on the back of the phone, which in theory would reduce the radiation coming from the front of the phone.

In my tests with my EMF meters, I didn't find that it made much of a difference. So, in my opinion, I would stick to the flap-style cases from reputable companies like Defendershield, Safesleeve, RF Safe, and others.

I use this case from Defendershield.

3. Airtube Headphones

Multiple pairs of airtube headphones on a white background. The image was taken during EMF Academy's review and testing of Airtube headphones.
Image taken during EMF Academy airtube headphone testing

See my favorite pair here.
Read my full guide.

Airtube headphones are one of my absolute favorite EMF protection products, and I recommend them all the time.

Here is the basic idea:

Normal headphones, whether they are wired or wireless (wireless is worse) emit magnetic and electric field radiation via the earpieces.

Since the earpiece has electronic components and the speaker inside (and sometimes more technology, such as the case for Airpods), it will naturally emit radiation.

That radiation can cause biological harm.

The worst part though is the extremely close proximity to the brain.

We know that EMF radiation, like all forms of radiation, falls off exponentially with distance according to the inverse square law of physics.

So, having headphones or earpods inside your ear exposes you to the maximum amount of radiation. Airtube headphones were designed to solve this issue.

The way they work, as you can see in the picture, is that the speaker is about 9-12 inches away from the earpiece, connected via an actual tube of air.

So, the speakers hang down away from your brain and send the sound through the tube.

This allows for fairly good sound quality while protecting the brain.

A great use for these is talking on the phone. If you don't have an EMF protection case for your cell phone, you can use a pair of air tube headphones to talk on the phone and remain almost completely protected.

There are quite a few great products on the market already, with more entering the space all the time.

4. Smart Meter Shields

Smart Meter Shield

Purchase one here.
Read my full guide.

Smart meters are a large source of EMF radiation in many homes. If you don't know, here is what a smart meter is in simple terms.

When I was a kid, we had analog meters on our home that measured how much electricity and gas we were using.

Once a month a nice man in a truck would hop our back fence and write down those numbers so they could bill us.

As technology has evolved, they no longer have to do this. Instead, small computers embedded in the utility meters wirelessly transmit usage data back to a central hub.

This not only gives them real-time readings of how much gas, electricity, or water we're using but also gives them data about how we're using it.

This saves the utility company tons of money because they no longer have to employ people to read the meters.

However, these so-called “smart meters” have been quite controversial for a few reasons.

1. Many people are concerned about privacy issues since the meters can read more specific data about how we're using electricity.

2. When they transmit data, they do so via radio waves, which exposes us to large bursts of EMF radiation.

So, many people are trying to opt out of these smart meters, but depending on the state and country you live in, this may not be an option.

When it isn't an option, you can use a device called a smart meter shield to protect your home from most of this radiation.

A smart meter shield is essentially a small Faraday cage, designed to fit over these smart meters, and blocks around 98% of the radiation the meter emits, while still allowing it to send data to the utility companies.

You simply slip the product over the meter, tighten the bolt, and you should be protected from the majority of the radiation.

Here is a quick video showing how this works:

From my own testing and the testing of others, I know that these work quite well, and are extremely easy to use.

One common question you'll see from other people is if these covers protect the inside of the house from radiation.

The utility box behind the smart meter is made of solid, grounded, metal, which itself will block the RF radiation. The smart meter cover or guard will protect the radiation emitted from the glass portion that houses the transmission antenna.

5. WiFi Router Guard

EMF protection router guard

Purchase one here.
Read my full guide

This product works sort of like the smart meter shield I talked about above.

Essentially it's a small metal Faraday cage that blocks the majority of the RF radiation emitted by your WiFi router, without completely blocking the signal.

So, WiFi in homes is one of the largest exposures people have to EMF radiation, and it's the reason that I've covered this issue in so many articles.

Unlike magnetic and electric field radiation, radiofrequency radiation from things like cell towers and WiFi routers is intended to travel far distances.

That means a single router in a home is exposing you to a significant amount of EMF radiation 24 hours a day, which is why at a minimum I suggest turning your router off at night.

That is where WiFi router guards come into play, and why they are one of the best EMF protection products on the market.

You simply place your home or office router inside the cage, close it, and you're done. You're now protected from a large part of the radiation, and you only lose a small amount of range, which is fine since many routers are more powerful than you need.

If you want to see this reduction in action, check out this short video from the maker of the WiFi router guard.

As you can see from that quick video, the WiFi router guard reduced the radiation emitted by around 90%, and it is extremely simple to use. They make them in two sizes so they will fit just about any size router.

6. EMF Protection Blankets

a gray folded Defendershield EMF protection blanket.

See my favorite blanket here.
Read my full guide to Anti-radiation blankets.

EMF Protection, or Anti-radiation, blankets are an amazing product that in my opinion doesn't get nearly enough credit.

When you think of EMF protection products, you probably mostly think about the things I've talked about above like cell phone cases or air tube headphones, however, I think these blankets are an incredible product.

How they work is simple. They look just like a simple blanket, but between the layers of soft material is a shielding fabric.

This fabric is almost always made of a silver mesh.

This silver mesh has tiny holes that are smaller than the shortest wavelength of EMF radiation, so it can't pass through, allowing the material to virtually block all of the radiation.

The silver mesh also has other benefits, mostly that it's anti-microbial, doesn't hold stains or smells, and can usually be washed. This makes the blanket easy to care for.

My favorite blanket from Defendershield, for example, is made of 100% organic bamboo cloth that is both hypoallergenic and non-toxic.

These blankets can be used for all sorts of EMF protection, however here are two really common ways you'll see them marketed towards:

  1. Maternity – EMF protection blankets are ideal for pregnancy. When my wife was pregnant, especially later in her pregnancy, she was often tired, and just wanted to be relaxing. That relaxation often involved scrolling through her cell phone, tablet, or watching TV. We know that children, especially children in the womb, are potentially more vulnerable to the dangers of EMF radiation. So, placing an anti-radiation blanket over the belly while you're using electronics protects the baby from radiation while keeping mom warm and cozy.
  2. Baby – After the baby is born, and once he's reached an age where having a blanket in the crib is safe and appropriate, these blankets can double as a baby blanket. That way they have more protection from things like WiFi, baby monitors, and other electronics.

Those are just two examples.

These blankets can be used just about any time you want to protect your body from a source of EMF radiation. I even sometimes use our blanket when I have to be on my laptop to protect myself.

7. Aires Tech Products

Smiling person in front of EEG brain scan demo showing two images: Without Aires and With Aires.

Check out Aires Tech Products Here.
I had to throw this in because I just honestly don't believe a list of EMF protection products that work would be complete without talking about the Lifetune products from Aires Tech.

They have a line of EMF protection products that I truly believe in and use myself.

I won't go into a ton of detail in this article because I've already written a full review of the Aires Tech products, but I will briefly talk about why they deserve to be on this list.

If you click the picture to the right, you'll be able to watch a video demonstration of their products working in real-time.

If you decide to purchase anything, be sure to use the code emfacademy25off and you should receive 25% off your entire purchase.

Independently Tested

First of all, Aires Tech utilizes independent laboratories to test their products and technology and report the results. They test both the safety and effectiveness of these products, which is something that many companies do not bother (or cannot afford) to do.

You can view the results of these tests yourself via the “Technology” menu tab on the Aires Tech website.

Scientifically Proven & Peer-Reviewed

Additionally, Aires Tech also engages the scientific community to have their research peer-reviewed and proven.

American Aires is now globally recognized for its research and technology and has been thoroughly vetted by the scientific community.


This is another thing that you won’t see in cheaper products, rewarded patents.

In fact, Aires Tech's research and development has resulted in 11 current patents with another 14 currently pending. This shows the continued efforts of Aires to not only develop these propriety technologies but also protect that research.

Much More

In addition to its 8 peer-reviewed studies, 5 publications in scientific journals, 19 different clinical and scientific trials, dozens of patents, and 5 computer modeling calculations, Aires is continuing to advance the field of EMF protection and research through its state-of-the-art research and development centers, staff of Ph.D.’s and researchers, and significant funding.

All of this is to say, that Aires Tech is more than a couple of steps ahead of most of the companies in the space, and is continuing to make huge strides forward in the creation of products that help protect you from EMF radiation, including 5g.

If you check out the Aires Tech homepage you'll see a fantastic video that shows a clear demonstration of their products working in real-time.

8. Laptop Shields and Cases

A black laptop sleeve made by Defendershield partially open, containing a gray laptop inside.

See my favorite products here.
Read my full guide.

Speaking of using laptops, there is plenty of research suggesting that using a laptop on your lap or stomach can be dangerous, and potentially have long-term biological effects.

That is where an EMF protection product like a laptop shield or case can come in handy.

These usually are designed quite simply. It's basically a hard sheet, that contains some sort of EMF blocking material inside.

The outside is usually rubber or leather or plastic. You set the shield on your desk, or lap, or anywhere else, and then place your laptop on top.

That way, when you're working on your laptop, any radiation that would be emitted directly into your lap, will instead be blocked.

Now, these do not protect you from any radiation emitted from the computer toward the rest of your body, so it's important to maintain a good amount of distance to reduce your exposure.

However, as you can imagine, having a laptop directly on your lap can expose your reproductive organs to large amounts of radiation.

These shields also usually protect from heat, as we know laptops can get quite hot when operating at full capacity, potentially burning your legs.

You can buy these products as simple shields, but I often suggest that you just buy a laptop case that doubles as both. A case like this one from Defendershield, will both hold your laptop and work as a laptop shield.

When you're carrying your laptop in your backpack or briefcase, just be sure that you place the shielded side towards your body to protect yourself from the small amount of radiation emitted while the laptop isn't in use.

9. EMF Protection Clothing

Gray Pandora anti-radiation boxer briefs.

This is a topic that I could dedicate an entire article to because there are so many EMF protection clothing products on the market.

Some, like beanies, boxers, or bras are quite popular, and others like t-shirts haven't quite caught on.

So, let's talk a little bit about how these products work, and why they sometimes make sense, and then we'll talk about some of my favorite products.

So, the way these products work is similar to the blankets we talked about above. Embedded in the clothing will be something that blocks (or highly attenuates) EMF radiation. This usually comes in the form of a metallic mesh.

For example, a beanie like this one for babies is lined with silver fiber that the company claims blocks up to 99% of radiation. The idea behind this product is that it can protect the wearer's brain from radiation exposure.

That is essentially how all EMF protection clothing works. You wear it to protect a certain part of your body from radiation.

Another example, that is quickly growing in popularity, is EMF protection boxers. These make sense because they protect a man's reproductive organs from exposure to EMF radiation.

I've written about this before, but many studies suggest that exposure to EMF radiation from things like your cell phone can affect the health of your sperm.

So, a pair of EMF protection boxers like my favorite brand that you can pick up on Amazon, aims to protect the man from exactly that, and hopefully protect his long-term fertility.

Now, since I've talked about all these products in other articles, I'll just list some of my favorite EMF protection clothing products here.

EMF Protection Boxers – I've been liking and wearing this brand, mostly because they work, are comfortable, and the price is affordable. There are other great products out there from companies like SYB, Smart MeterCover, and many more, but this one is my current suggestion.

EMF Protection Beanie – If you're getting it for a baby, I would go with this one from Radiasmart. If you're getting a beanie for an adult, I've really liked this one you can pick up on Amazon.

EMF Maternity Clothing – Belly Armor, a company that has been making EMF protection products for women for a long time makes, in my opinion, the best maternity EMF protection clothing. A great example would be this amazing belly band from Defendershield.

10. EMF Bed Canopy

EMF blocking canopy

Check out the canopy I use.

This is an EMF protection product that is quickly growing in popularity and for good reason.

As I've written about in other articles, EMF radiation can be extremely detrimental to our sleep.

A study was conducted at the University of Melbourne examining how EMF radiation affects our sleep.

What they found is that EMFs impede our body's ability to produce melatonin, the hormone that regulates the quality and quantity of our sleep.

They found that the pineal gland, where melatonin is produced, interprets electromagnetic radiation as light. Thinking that it is still light outside or in the room, produces less melatonin to help us stay awake.

Not only is the quality of our sleep diminished, but our bodies are also more vulnerable to the biological harm that can be caused by EMF radiation.

So, suffice it to say, that trying to reduce the amount of EMF radiation in the bedroom is a really good idea and can do wonders for our health.

I recommend a few things in my articles, like turning off WiFi at night and not sleeping next to your cell phone.

However, it's extremely difficult for us to completely rid our bedrooms of EMF radiation because of all the technology in our homes, as well as external sources such as smart meters, cell towers, and neighbor's WiFi.

That is where EMF protection bed canopies come in.

Essentially these are Faraday cages that hang over your entire bed, and they make them in various sizes.

When the canopy is down, it will block virtually all EMF radiation from getting to you while you sleep.

I've had people tell me that they got the best sleep of their lives after properly setting up an EMF-blocking bed canopy.

Something you need to be careful of is that you never take any electronics inside of the canopy because the EMF radiation from the devices can bounce around inside the canopy and potentially be more harmful.

11. EMF Protection Paint

See my favorite EMF paint here.

Gray bottle labeled YSHIELD HSF54, containing 1 liter. Used for shielding electromagnetic radiation. Contains TÜV SÜD certification mark. Black screw cap on top.

Yep, you read that right, EMF protection paint. This stuff really works, and if you do it correctly, can be a fantastic way to protect yourself from EMF radiation.

Basically, it's a paint that contains proprietary materials that after it's painted on, will block most EMF radiation.

In fact, the brand that I linked above, claims that a single coat will block up to 99.975% of radiation!

There are quite a few different ways that you can use paint like this, but here is a popular one.

When I was talking about smart meter shields up above, I told you that for the most part, the electrical box should protect most of the radiation from making it into the home.

Well, if you live in an apartment complex where there is a whole bank of meters, this might not be the case.

Or, let's say you have a close neighbor, and his smart meter faces your home. You could try over to his house and install a smart meter guard, but this might not make him too happy.

So, what many people choose to do, is to use EMF protection paint on the interior side of a wall where they don't want radiation coming through.

The nice thing is, once it's dried, you can just paint over it with whatever color you had before, and you'd never even know it was there.

This is also a great way to keep WiFi from a neighbor out of your bedroom or to reduce the radiation coming from local cell towers (or 5G cell towers)

12. Dirty Electricity Filters

Stetzerizer Single Dirty Electricity Filter

See my favorite filters here.
Read my full guide.

I have several posts on dirty electricity, so I don't want to go too in-depth about what it is, where it comes from, or why it's dangerous.

So, here is the summary version:

Your home likely is wired either for 60 hertz AC electricity, or 50 hertz if you live in Europe.

When this wiring system was originally designed, this worked well because most appliances were designed to use exactly this amount and type of electricity.

However, as new electronics began hitting the market that required more, less, or varying amounts of electricity this system no longer worked well.

This resulted in what is referred to as high-frequency voltage transients.

Essentially, it resulted in electricity that wasn't usable, and that electricity just gets stuck in your electrical lines, spreading around and emitting EMF radiation into your home.

Things like dimmer switches, LED light bulbs, and tons of modern electronics produce this dirty electricity, and it's become one of the most common sources.

A few different companies, like Graham Stetzer and Greenwave, have developed filters that will clean up most of this electricity, which is why they are one of my top EMF protection products.

They are extremely simple to install, you just plug them in.

13. Faraday Bags

Black dry bag with a transparent front pocket and adjustable shoulder strap, featuring Mission Darkness logo.

See my favorite bag here.

These are a really versatile product, not just for EMF protection, but also for privacy.

They work really simply, it's just a bag, pouch, or backpack that when closed, completely blocks EMF radiation from getting in or out.

So, one application could be placing your phone inside if you wanted to prevent radiation exposure.

Or, let's say you're having a family game night and want everyone to stay off their phones, you can place them inside and they won't have any service.

They make them large enough for tablets and laptops as well.

Alright, well there you have it, 13 EMF protection products that actually work!

Now let's answer a few related questions.

Do EMF Protection Devices Work?

Absolutely, many EMF protection devices and products work exactly as intended. However, that isn't the case with all of these products.

Unfortunately, as more people become aware of the dangers of EMF radiation, more companies enter the market with solutions.

I believe many of these companies are unscrupulous, and make products that do not work. That is why I almost always test the products myself before I ever recommend them.

EMF Protection devices and products work by reducing the amount of EMF radiation someone is exposed to.

This is usually done through physical means via a barrier of some sort.

For example, an EMF protection blanket works by blocking radiation using a silver mesh. A router guard reduces RF emissions from a WiFi router using Faraday cage technology.

Some products, simply reduce your exposure by moving the source farther away. That is how Airtube headphones work.

Using a speaker at the end of a tube of air, allows the primary radiation source to be farther away from the head.

So, the bottom line is, yes, many EMF protection devices do work, and will reduce your exposure to EMF radiation.

However, you need to do your research to make sure you're getting a reputable product that you can trust.

Do I Need EMF Protection Products?

This is really a personal question. If you've read articles on EMF Academy or other reputable websites, then you know that EMF Radiation has been shown to cause biological harm, especially over a lifetime.

If that is a concern to you, then it would make sense for you to look into getting some protection.

That doesn't mean you need to wear a tinfoil hat or lock yourself in your home. Many of the products on this list are fairly inexpensive and very unobtrusive to your life. So, I'd encourage you to pick the products that make the most sense to you and try them out for yourself.

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  1. All of your blogs have opened my eyes to the exposure new technology and old has on our health and with the things they don’t list on products or mention that should be. Every human being should know the risks and dangers these devices emit, and that they can have the choice to protect themselves and ones family. Thank you Christian for helping me protect my family. Great Work and Very inspirational.

  2. David Pusateri says:

    This is great info and thank you for posting this! Any chance the chips that attach to the phone or phone case work to reduce the radiation?

    1. Hello David! Thanks for the kind words. I do believe that some of the “chips” on the market do work to reduce cell-phone radiation, however be careful because I think there are many scam products on the market. The one company I trust most for this would be Aires Tech. If you want to read about these products more in-depth, I have a full article you can read.

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