Hello, My Name Is Christian
Late one night I was sitting on the couch, laptop in my lap, scrolling through Facebook when my eyes stopped on an article. It was titled: “Are you keeping your family safe from EMF Radiation?”
I knew what Electromagnetic frequencies were, but I didn’t know that it was something I really needed to worry about. So I clicked on the article and I started reading. I was shocked by what I read, and my obsessive personality took over. I consumed that article, and then I read dozens more until I felt convinced this was utterly important.
Not long after, my wife Becca and I started talking about having our first kid. I remembered in the articles I had read about how much more vulnerable children are to EMF radiation. I was determined to do all I could to protect my growing family.
EMF Academy grew out of that concern, and now it’s a place I share everything I’ve learned to help people just like you.
Now, EMF Academy has been read by millions of people, and is one of the largest and most trusted sources for information on the dangers of EMF radiation.
This isn’t a passive thing, or something I no longer care about. So you’ll see new content on here all the time, and I’d encourage you to come back and check that out.
Have a question about the website, or me, or EMF radiation, or anything else? I’d love to hear from you!
I hope you get as much out of this website as I put into it.
If you want to know more about EMF Academy, view our About Page.
Have a great day!