11 Plants That Absorb Radiation – Complete Guide
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Did you know that Nasa tested, and proved, that some indoor plants can absorb radiation?
Plants are extremely powerful at providing a whole bunch of health benefits, and make your house look great while they're doing it! My wife and I purchased our first home about 5 years ago, and we've been slowly adding different plants around it ever since.
Almost every time we get a new plant for our home, we do it because of a proven or believed health benefit. It has made our home feel like a health haven. Even though it might be slightly placebo, we certainly feel better surrounded by plants that are detoxifying the air and boosting our immune systems.
Some plants also are believed to help reduce and absorb harmful radiation, so I'm going to give you the eleven plants I think are best at doing just that.
But first, let's talk a bit about what makes having more plants in the home so great.
(also, if you're looking for some real ways to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation, be sure to check out some of my other articles, or my recommended products page.)
Reasons To Have More Plants In Your Home
Air Purification
NASA has plants on the International space station because they are so efficient at purifying air and improving air quality. Not only do they take carbon dioxide out of the air and turn it into fresh oxygen, many houseplants also are very powerful at removing toxins from the air.
NASA has done many massive studies on house plants and their various benefits. The researchers at Nasa recommend at least one plant for every 100 square feet in your home. So if you have a 2000-square-foot home, you should shoot to have at least 20 houseplants of different varieties.
They're as Local as plants can get
The nice thing about almost any houseplant is that many are very easy to take care of. My wife and I have quite a few houseplants, and lately, we've been getting more herbs that we can grow indoors. Occasionally my wife can just pull a few leaves or a sprig off of one of her herbs and use it to season a meal we're making. This is as local as produce gets, and you can guarantee its quality and that it's organic.
Believe it or not, you can now even get tiny versions of fruit trees, like apple, pineapple, pear, banana, fig and lots more to grow fruit right inside your house. Although be wary, some of these fruit trees take much more care than many other houseplants or herbs.
Plants make a home
Having living things around you is extremely good for the soul. Filling a home with different varieties of plants have been shown over and over to dramatically improve mood and quality of life. Plants also give off all sorts of amazing aromas, and the scents can go a long way in improving the feel of your home.
My wife and I have plants in every room of our house, and we're constantly rearranging them to find the best places for each plant. Having a small cactus on your desk or a palm in the corner of your living room will brighten the energy of any home.
Ok, now let's talk about a few of my favorite plants that are beneficial at absorbing EMF radiation.
11 Plants That Absorb Radiation
1. Cacti (Absorb Computer Radiation)
When NASA completed their massive study on house plants and their various benefits, one plant that made it out with quite a reputation is the cactus. NASA found that the cactus was quite efficient at absorbing EMF radiation.
Since EMF radiation travels in a straight line, for the most part, to be most effective you'd have to place the plant directly between you and your computer, or whatever device nearby is emitting EMF radiation.
However, having cactus around your computer can be very powerful at absorbing ambient radiation bouncing around your office or bedroom, as well as helping absorb radiation coming from other sources or nearby cell towers. You can even pick up a cute little cactus collection that would be perfect for a home or office on Amazon.
2. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)
The snake plant has been considered one of the better indoor plants at absorbing radiation for a long time. It is also one of the absolute best-known plants at converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, making it one of the best air cleaners you can get.
Without a doubt, the snake plant is not only a beautiful addition to your home, but it's also one of the best plants you can get at making healthier and a better environment within your home.
Scientists have found that the Sanseveira can harmlessly absorb over 100 different types of poison. They have also discovered that the sansevieria plant is an anti-pollutant, and can on occasion be used as an antidote to certain forms of radiation.
As far as radiation absorption goes, it would be best to place your snake plant near your WiFi router or other devices that emits high amounts of EMF radiation.
3. Asparagus Fern
Asparagus fern is a beautiful plant to keep in the home. Not only does it smell absolutely amazing, but it adds a really nice light green color to your home.
It also has been known to have the potential of absorbing some electromagnetic radiation, although this hasn't been proven.
Its antioxidant properties have also been utilized in the past to help those who have been exposed to certain types of gamma radiation, which is where the plant's radiation-absorbing qualities may have come from.
Check out my guide on 11 Ways to Reduce EMF Radiation for more tips to protect you from your computer!
4. Betel Leaf Plant
The Betel Leaf plant is really interesting when it comes to reducing radiation exposure because it has actually been studied. Researchers at the Department of biochemistry at the Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, in Kolkata, India studied the extract of the betel leaf plant.
They found that “The extract effectively … prevented radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in a concentration-dependent manner.” Since the extract was proven to be able to protect DNA from radiation in certain conditions, it is also believed to be a highly effective plant at absorbing ambient radiation in your home or office.
5. Chlorophytumcomosum – Spider Plant
Although most commonly known as the spider plant, or airplane plant, Chlorophytumcomosum is a fairly common type of succulent. The spider plant has been shown to have the ability to absorb a large amount of pollution, even cleaning out various harmful gasses such as formic acid and Aldehyde. Because of the spider plants amazing abilities at cleaning out pollution, it is also believed to be effective at absorbing forms of radiation in the home.
6. Fiddle Leaf
Although there hasn't been any clear evidence or proof that the fiddle leaf can absorb any form of radiation, it's long been considered a plant with the potential to not just clean the air, but block or absorb some types of radiation.
This could possibly be due to how much water the plant stores in its leaves, allowing it to survive in tropical regions.
Either way, if you have it in your home, try to place it between large sources of EMF radiation, like your WiFi router, and living areas, like your desk or couch for maximum protection potential.
7. Stone Lotus Flower
The stone lotus flower has all kinds of benefits for air purifying and is extremely convenient because it is the perfect size for the top of your desk. Many people also believe that the stone lotus flower is highly effective at absorbing some forms of radiation from the air. The stone lotus flower is a common essential oil because the health benefits of the plant are so powerful.
8. Areca Palm
Areca palm is a really popular houseplant, and for good reason. First of all, it's well known in the horticultural community for it's ability to purify the air of toxins, which already makes it a great plant to have around.
It also is known for it's cooling abilities because it gives off a fair amount of water vapor. If you live in a drier climate this can be a great way to get a little natural humidity in your home.
Although the Areca has no specific radiation absorbing ability, it's ability to improve the air quality in your home will certainly aid in the overall goal of reducing pollution, electronic or not, in your home.
9. Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe vera is a fantastic plant to have in your home. First of all, it's just simply a beautiful plant. Second of all, it has all kinds of medicinal uses which can actually be used in emergencies.
It is also a plant that is believed to have the ability to absorb some radiation in the environment, which could include the radiation from EMF's.
It's extremely easy to grow and can do well in just about any environment or home.
If you're looking to reduce EMF radiation in your home, I would start with some EMF Protection Basics
10. Sunflower
The sunflower is absolutely one of the best plants in the world for absorbing radiation. In fact in the years following the Chernobyl incident, fields of millions of sunflowers were planted to help absorb the radiation leakage from the plant.
Although the Sunflower isn't a great Indoor plant, it's absolutely a plant you should have close by if possible.
11. Rubber Plant
The rubber plant is another great air-cleaning plant and certainly makes the list of the best radiation-absorbing plants. It can be planted indoors or out and is relatively easy to maintain.
Related Questions
Now that we've covered the 11 best plants for absorbing radiation, let's cover some important related questions on the topic. If you feel like I missed something, please don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do my best to help.
Do Plants Block Radiation?
When we're talking about any objects ability to block radiation, what we're actually typically talking about is attenuation.
In physics terms, attenuation is the gradual loss in force as something passes through a material. So a few examples of this would be:
- The walls of your bedroom attenuate sound.
- The tinted windows on your vehicle attenuate sunlight.
- The lead vest you wear during a dental visit attenuates the x-rays.
Plants are also able to attenuate some radiation. Plants that hold high amounts of water content in their leaves and stems are especially adept at attenuating radiation.
Although there are certainly materials that do a much, much better job at “blocking” or attenuating radiation, plants are able to block or reduce the amount of radiation coming from EMF emitting devices such as WiFi routers and computers.
What Plant is Good For Computer Radiation
In my opinion, the best plant for absorbing computer radiation would have to be the cactus. Having small potted cactus plants around your computer is a great way to potentially reduce your EMF radiation exposure.
Now, there are certainly better ways to reduce your computer radiation exposure, like those covered in this guide that I wrote. However, if we're just talking about what plant to use for computer radiation, stick with the cactus. NASA found that the cactus was one of the few plants with the potential to actually impact the radiation being emitted from your electronics.
Can Onions Absorb Radiation?
This is an interesting one, but the answer is Yes, sort of. Although onions can't absorb EMF radiation, like has been talked about in this article, it does appear that they may be able to absorb some gamma radiation.
According to isequalto:
In 1998, during the Pokhran nuclear test, tonnes of onions were buried along with nuclear bombs to absorb harmful radiations emitted during a nuclear explosion. Onions absorb the Gamma radiations that cause harmful changes in DNA. The nuclear bombs were sandwiched between layers of onions to prevent radiation leak. This had even led to a shortage of onions across India.
Do succulents protect from radiation?
Although there is no clear evidence that succulents are able to absorb any kind of radiation, there is anecdotal evidence that they may be able to do exactly that. In addition, many people keep them around because they tend to lower stress levels and improve mood, which can counteract some of the negative side effects of excess EMF radiation exposure.
Basics of EMF protection
The best thing you can do to protect yourself from harmful EMF radiation is to start by getting rid of the sources. For this, I would recommend the following articles that all have fantastic detailed tips to do this around your home and office:
11 Ways To Reduce EMF and Dirty Electricity Exposure
Smart Meter EMF Protection – A Complete Guide
How To Eliminate EMF Radiation In The Bedroom
11 Ways To Reduce Computer Radiation Exposure
Or, if you really want a detailed guide, I would check out Nicolas Pineault’s “A Non-Tinfoil Guide To EMFs” (This one does cost a few bucks, but is a comprehensive e-book”
After you get through reading some or all of these you should have a pretty good understanding of some of the best ways you can protect yourself from EMF radiation.
The next thing I would do is consider getting a quality EMF meter, as this is the absolute best tool to understand how much, and what kind of, EMF radiation is in your home. I really love and recommend the new TriField TF2 (read my review).
In case you didn’t want to check out any of the posts above, and you’re still wondering “what is EMF protection,” i’ll just list out a few of my favorite EMF protection tips here:
- Turn your cell phone off at night, or if you use it for your alarm, put it in airplane mode.
- If possible get rid of wireless in your home and connect your computers via Ethernet.
- Get rid of your microwave.
- Protect yourself from your Smart Meter, as these are extremely dangerous
- Limit you and your families use of cell phones, tablets, and laptop computers.
- When using your cell phone, try to use speakerphone or headphones, don’t use your cell phone against your head.
There are so many more to list, so if you’re still interested, check out some of the articles I listed above.
Or, if you're looking for the best EMF protection products you can get, be sure to check out my curated recommended products page that I update frequently.
I hope you enjoyed my list of 11 Indoor Plants That Absorb Radiation. Although not all of these plants have been completely proven to absorb radiation exposure, they all have amazing health benefits that have actually been proven. Regardless of the reason, getting a bunch more plants for your home or office can't possibly be a mistake! Make your house a healthier home, and fill it with plants.
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