How To Block WiFi Radiation – The Only Guide You Need
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You've landed here, because you have at least some knowledge about the dangers of EMF radiation, and you're wanting to know how you can block WiFi radiation to reduce your exposure.
In this article, I'm going to cover all of the best ways to block WiFi radiation, reduce WiFi radiation and so much more.
So, whether you want to block WiFi radiation from another apartment, home, or business, or you want to reduce the exposure from your own WiFi router, we're going to talk about exactly what you need to do.
First, let's just answer the question in basic terms.
How can you block WiFi radiation? The best way to completely block WiFi radiation (which is actually a form of EMF called radiofrequency radiation) is to use a material capable of attenuating the more than 99% of radiation, which most would consider blocking. That can be a device like a faraday cage, or it could be a sheet of RF blocking material or metal.
Now, that's the basic answer, but there is quite a bit more to it if we want to be practical.
So, I'm not going to waste any of your time convincing you that you even need to do this, instead let's cover a few basics that we need to understand, and then we'll talk about how to actually do it.
Also, if you're curious about the products I personally use, trust, and recommend (including my favorite product for blocking WiFi) be sure to check out my recommended products page.
Blocking or Reducing WiFi Radiation – The How-To Guide
We need to grasp a really important concept in order to better understand what “blocking” EMF radiation really means.
Blocking WiFi Radiation – What We Really Mean
When it comes to any form of radiation, radiofrequency included, it is rare to entire “block” it, instead, we attenuate it. In physics, attenuation is defined as a gradual loss in force as the radiation passes through a material.
Examples of this:
- Objects such as walls attenuate sound as it passes through.
- Your sunglasses attenuate the UV wave and sunlight.
- The lead vest you wear at the dentist's office attenuates the x-ray radiation.
Materials like mylar, copper, aluminum, attenuate EMF radiation by absorbing or scattering the photons as they pass through. So, when you hear about things “blocking RF radiation” they almost never are, instead, they are reducing it so insignificant levels.
So, when we're looking at how well a material is able to attenuate something like WiFi radiation, we can actually measure and rate that attenuation. For example, wood would hardly attenuate it at all, whereas a thick sheet of metal would attenuate it greatly.
This rating is usually shown in decibels (dB), and the higher the decibel, the better the material or product is at attenuating the radiation.
Take a look at the chart below to understand this a bit better.
When you're shopping for EMF protection products (like the ones on my recommended products page) you'll often see a decibel listed, which helps us understand how much radiation the product will actually protect us from.
So, bringing this back around, when we talk about “blocking WiFi radiation” what we actually mean is attenuating that RF radiation to levels that are insignificant as far as causing bodily harm is concerned.
3 Best Ways To Block WiFi Radiation
Alright, now that we've covered that concept, and understand a bit better what blocking WiFi might actually mean, let's talk about some of the best ways to do it.
First, let's talk about what you might classically think of, and that is physically blocking the RF radiation from your WiFi router.
1. Physically Blocking WiFi Radiation
There are essentially two ways to physically block the RF radiation from your router:
- Using a material capable of almost entirely attenuating the radiation.
- Using a Faraday cage intended to dramatically reduce how much radiation is emitted, and the range at which it transmits.
First, let's talk about how we can physically block WiFi, and that is using just about any EMF protection material or any metal that attenuates at least 99% of the radiation.
RF Shielding Fabric
For that, I would use something specifically designed for this, like this faraday fabric from Mission Darkness. I own quite a few products from this company, and they all work exactly as described and as intended.
Specifically, this fabric is capable of blocking nearly 100% of RF radiation. So, if you were to wrap your WiFi router in a sheet of this material, you would cut off the signal entirely, accomplishing your goal of blocking the WiFi radiation.
This works well if you want to use a physical barrier to temporarily block the WiFi from your router instead of simply turning it off.
However, probably a more common use for a physical WiFi radiation blocker like this would be to protect certain rooms or directions.
RF Shielding Paint
This is an extremely common way that people block WiFi radiation from their own router, or perhaps even more common, block the WiFi of neighboring homes or apartments.
If you want to read a full guide on this, you can check out this article I wrote on my favorite brand of EMF protection paint. Or, I talk about how to apply it in this guide I wrote on smart meter radiation.
Basically, how EMF protection paint works is that it contains ingredients that allow it to act as a physical barrier to EMF radiation, including the RF radiation that comes from WiFi routers. Yshield paint that I talk about in the article above, for instance, has an attenuation level of 36 dB (which means it blocks 99.98% of radiation), and that is just from a single layer of the paint.
So, let's say that you lived in a home, and your neighbor had WiFi, and you could detect a strong signal from your bedroom.
You could use RF shielding paint on the adjacent wall to virtually block all of the signal. You can even paint over the EMF protection paint with the original color, and you'd never even notice that it was there.
This is a great example of a physical way to block WiFi radiation, similar to the fabric mentioned above.
My favorite brand of EMF protection paint is Yshield that you can get on Amazon in a few different sizes.
Other Physical WiFi Barriers
RF blocking fabric and paint are just two examples of the many products available that can accomplish blocking WiFi. We'll talk about some products more specifically tailored for it next. However, if you don't want to block or reduce all the WiFi in your home, and instead protect from a single direction, then these kinds of products work great.
However, there are many more products and options available on the market.
For example, many people will use a product like anti-radiation curtains to block WiFi from getting through a window, which generally does very little to attenuate radiation. You could even use it in combination with the paint to completely block a wall from allowing WiFi RF radiation from getting through.
Now that we've talked about some physical blocks for WiFi radiation, let's talk about products specifically created to block or reduce WiFi radiation.
2. WiFi Router Guard
I talk about what WiFi router guards are, how they work, and the best ones to buy in this article that I wrote, so I won't go into too much detail here.
However, I think we can't talk about blocking WiFi radiation without talking at least some about WiFi router guards.
Essentially it is a small faraday cage specifically designed to fit a WiFi router. You can get them in a few different sizes to accommodate just about any home router, and they will typically have a small hole for the cables.
Take a look at this quick video to get a little better understanding of how the WiFi router guard works.
As you can see from the video, the goal of the product is to virtually eliminate the RF radiation emitted from your router, without cutting off your ability to use the WiFi connection.
Now, as a few points of clarity. Whenever you are receiving WiFi to a device, you are certainly still exposed to at least some RF radiation. So, unlike the physical barriers talked about above that will block virtually 100% of the radiation as well as the WiFi connection, this solution aims to reduce your exposure but still allow you to utilize WiFi.
The product manufacturer claims that it will reduce the WiFi range by around 10-20%, but anecdotal evidence from my own tests shows that reduction could be as much as 40%.
Now, this may not matter, since most modern routers are more powerful then they need to be, but it's still good to know.
The nice thing about these devices is that although they may reduce the range a little bit, in my experience, they didn't reduce the speed of the internet connection at all.
So, although WiFi router guards from the companies I'll mention below don't truly “block” WiFi radiation, they do vastly reduce it.
If you want to read more about how these products work you can read my full guide here.
To purchase WiFi router guards, I would recommend you check out Smart Meter Guard, which makes a great product. You can also get their products on Amazon.
3. Turning Off WiFi
The last option to block wifi radiation, although it doesn't fit perfectly, is to turn off your WiFi router when you aren't using it. I say it doesn't fit perfectly, because you aren't really blocking the WiFi radiation. However, I think if you're reading this article then you care about reducing your exposure to EMF radiation, and this is a great way to do that.
There are a few simple ways to turn off WiFi that I outlined in my full guide on the topic.
However, let's quickly cover them.
1. Use A Mechanical Outlet Timer
This is such an easy way to accomplish turning off your WiFi router automatically without any hassle.
Have you ever had issues with your router, and you call your internet provider and they tell you to “power cycle” the router? They do this because it can help to clear out any cached settings or data and help your router work better. It also shows you that your WiFi router is set to automatically start working when power is plugged back in.
So, we can accomplish this task automatically every day by purchasing a simple mechanical outlet timer. You simply set it for the hours you want your WiFi off, and it will disconnect power to the device during that period. For example, I have mine set to turn off at 11 PM and back on at 6 AM.
I use this one that you can pick up on Amazon. I like it because it's literally a physical timer, with no electrical components, so it doesn't emit any radiation itself.
2. Set a Timer on Your Router
This one works really well, and for almost any router, but takes a bit more know-how than the mechanical option above. Essentially what you'll do is log into your router and set a schedule to have it automatically turn off and back on again.
The advantage of this is that you can set a password for it. With the mechanical way above, if your kids want to be on WiFi late at night, they could go mess with the timer, but they won't be able to do that with this strategy.
To do this, just google “[Your router name] power timer” and you should get some simple instructions from the manufacturer of your router.
3. Use Wired Internet Instead
This is a great long-term option if you want high-speed internet in your home, without the exposure risk that comes from WiFi. The idea here is that you primarily use ethernet cables to hardwire your devices to your router and save WiFi only for when you need it or guests are in town etc.
The concept is really simple:
- The first thing you need to do is jump on Amazon, or wherever, and purchase some ethernet cable. You’ll need enough cable to get from the router to each individual computer, ideally, you’d wire this in a way that you won’t see the wires, such as going through your walls.
- Next, just plug one end of each ethernet cable into a computer and the other end into one of the four ports on the back of the router.
- The image below will give you a nice general image for how this works.
Obviously this is the simplest version of this, so if you want step by step instructions on how to wire your home for internet so you don't have to use WiFi, I actually wrote an entire guide on how to do it.
Alright, now that we've talked about several good ways to block WiFi radiation, let's briefly talk about why this should matter to you, and why radiofrequency radiation from WiFi is potentially dangerous.
Why Blocking WiFi Radiation Matters
I have many articles on EMF Academy on the dangers of EMF radiation in general, and RF radiation from WiFi specifically, but let's cover some of the important points.
First, long-term exposure, especially in close proximities, to radiofrequency waves has been studied and proven to produce adverse health effects. This is the reason that cell-phone manufacturers have a limit on how much radiation their phones can produce, and cell-towers have warning signs on the fences surrounding them, and the same reason that schools around the world are beginning to ban or limit WiFi.
It is also the reason that people are so worried about the release of 5G wireless around the world.
Even the American Cancer Society, who in large part will not fully say that EMF radiation causes long-term harm, and instead errs on the side of not enough research, admits on their website, that:
“…there has been concern that some forms of non-ionizing radiation might have biological effects that could result in cancer…”
-American Cancer Society
Independent studies have connected EMF radiation from WiFI to a whole host of health issues such as:
- Interruption of brain glucose metabolism
- Increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier
- Interruption of cell metabolism
- Breaks in DNA chains
Frequent and long-term exposure to WiFi also commonly causes symptoms such as:
- Fatigue – Most recognizable is fatigue even after what seemed like a full, or rest-full nights sleep, or fatigue that persists through the day.
- Trouble Sleeping – This one is extremely common, as peoples bedrooms have become a hotbed for EMF radiation. From cell-phones next to the bed, metal spring mattresses acting as antennas, to the WiFi in our homes, EMF radiation while we sleep is extremely common. In fact, I wrote a whole article about how to rid your bedroom of EMFs and finally get a restful nights sleep, check it out here.
- Tinnitus – More commonly known as just ringing in the ears, it doesn’t always present as a ringing. Tinnitus is defined as the hearing of a consistent sound when no such external sound is present, and can actually present as a hissing, a clicking, a roaring, or a number of other sounds. This is common with severe Electo-hypersensitivity.
- Brain Fog – or cognitive decline, it is noticeable when you feel that your memory has been declining, or you’re having trouble recalling names, or places or events. It is also noticeable if you are having a tough time concentrating. Some scientists believe that the dramatic rise in Alzheimers Disease can be partially attributed to EMF damage and our wireless age.
- Chest Pain and Heart Palpitations – Often seen in patients with EHS, or any reaction to the EMFs around them, the feeling is similar to angina, when blood flow is restricted to the heart. Less severe, but still symptomatic can be a fluttering or racing heartbeat.
- Skin Reactions – Some people react with irritations to the skin like redness, tingling, or even a rash. This is most commonly present in the face and upper arms but can present nearly anywhere on the body.
If you want to learn more about why WiFi is dangerous, check out the knowledge section of my website, or just use the search function.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.