A hand holds an air conditioner remote set to 24°C, pointing towards a wall-mounted air conditioning unit.

EMF Radiation From Air Conditioners – Essential Guide

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Most modern homes today have some form of air conditioning or cooling units. In locations with warmer climates and hot summers, they are nearly a necessity. 

But not many people stop to consider if those air conditioning units pose any risk to their health. Let’s take a closer look at air conditioning units and find out if there’s anything to be concerned about. 

Do Air Conditioners Emit EMF Radiation? 

Yes, air conditioners absolutely emit EMF radiation, and some even emit fairly large amounts. However, if you have an air conditioning system for your home, where the primary unit is outside, this radiation will not at all be a risk. The greater exposure risk is from individual air conditioning units because they emit EMF radiation in closer proximity to our bodies.

There are many types of air conditioners available on the market and quite a few of them do emit EMF radiation. The danger is that sometimes air conditioners can emit very high levels of EMF radiation. 

It’s important to note that it is the air conditioning unit itself that emits the EMF radiation. It does not come out of the vents that are located throughout the house. 

For reference, an air conditioner can emit EMF radiation at levels equivalent to what a circuit breaker could, which is an enormous amount. The older your air conditioning unit, the more EMF radiation it is likely to emit. 

Air conditioners are meant to help keep you cool throughout the hot summer months. In order for them to do this, it requires them to produce an electric field that can be hazardous to your health. 

The technology is almost like how a refrigerator operates. They both require a tremendous amount of energy to work, and in turn, they both emit a ton of radiation.

However, modern air conditioners simply would not work if they did not emit some EMF radiation. As we'll discuss below, there are some pretty simple ways that you can reduce your exposure and still get the benefits of having an air conditioner.

How is EMF Radiation Harmful?

EMF radiation can be harmful to one’s health in many different ways. In order to know if you’re being affected by EMF, consider some of the following symptoms that can be linked to EMF exposure:

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in memory
  • Dizziness
  • Appetite changes/unexplained weight loss
  • Burning or tingling sensation on the skin 

These symptoms often overlap with other health conditions, so it’s always important to check with your doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. 

Once everything else has been ruled out by a doctor, you may want to consider if these symptoms could be related to EMF exposure, as its often undiagnosed or misunderstood by the medical industry.

There are many other important changes that can be caused by EMF exposure. Some of them are as follows:

Lowers Immunity

There have been numerous studies done that show there is a correlation between being exposed to EMF radiation and experiencing a lowered immune system. 

One study in particular noted that EMF radiation disturbs the immune system’s function through the stimulation of various allergic and inflammatory responses. 

It was also shown to have an effect on the tissue repair process. This type of immune impairment can lead to the development of a wide variety of diseases including cancer. 

EMF radiation has a direct impact on many of our biological processes including DNA damage, and other biological processes. 

Most of our current national and international safety limits regarding EMF radiation exposure are far greater what they actually should be, with many of these damaging effects occurring at significantly lower than the current safety limits. 

There will need to be adjustments made on an international level in order for the safety limits to be lowered so that we can reduce our exposure to EMF radiation at unsafe levels.

Chronic inflammation can also occur when exposed to these high levels for an extended period of time. That is when our odds of developing serious health conditions begin to rise. 

Effects on Sleep

As we all know, sleep is one of the most critical times for the body to conduct its healing process and repair from the stresses we take on throughout the day.

Having a good night’s sleep on a regular basis can greatly improve a person’s health. The problem is that if you sleep anywhere near an air conditioning unit, your nightly sleep may be impacted.

Since air conditioning units are major producers of EMF radiation, sleeping near one can have a negative effect on your quality of sleep. Our concentration, cognition, and productivity levels are all directly influenced by the quality of sleep we get each night.

Some studies have shown that not getting enough good sleep can have a negative impact on the brain and affect it in a way that is similar to being intoxicated with alcohol.

It can also cause you to have irregular sleeping patterns. You may find yourself falling asleep early some nights, but then waking up again in the middle of the night when you should still be sleeping. 

Or you might find that you’re getting to bed very late and then sleeping late into the next day. If you’re sleeping patterns are thrown off this way for a long enough period of time, you can begin to develop health issues. 

Not getting enough sleep has also been linked to irritability, depression, confusion, and tension. On the extreme end, it can even shorten your overall lifespan. 

That is why it is important to reduce the amount of EMF radiation you’re exposed to, and why it’s important to be aware of the role air conditioning units play in this.

How to Limit Effects of EMF Radiation From Air Conditioning Units

Now that we’ve gone over some of the potential health risks caused by exposure to EMF radiation, it’s important to discuss what can be done to reduce your exposure.

1. Use Your Air Conditioning Unit Less

Even though air conditioning units bring us the wonderful convenience of being able to cool down our homes when it’s hot out, one of the easiest and most cost-effective things you can do is to not use it.

Reducing the number of times you run your air conditioner is the easiest way to reduce the amount of EMF radiation it produces. It won’t generate an electromagnetic field if it isn’t in use. 

Sometimes this is easier said than done, especially if you live in a warmer climate. But for those that get relatively mild summers, reducing the frequency of using your air conditioner can greatly help to reduce your exposure.

Keep in mind that its only after prolonged exposure that serious health impacts may occur. This is because the long-term damage caused by EMF radiation is cumulative, or in other words, it accumulates over time.

If you run your air conditioning unit less frequently, you may still experience some of the symptoms, but normally only those that are very sensitive to EMF radiation may experience this.

For others, it is the prolonged exposure that causes the symptoms to become more noticeable. 

Running your air conditioning unit less frequently is also better for the environment. It uses less energy and will save you money on your electric bill. 

However, if your air conditioning unit is on the side of your house, then your exposure is essentially zero, and you don't really need to worry about this.

2. Use a Faraday Cage

Another option is to consider building a Faraday cage around it. A Faraday cage is basically a cage that is made from a metal that can block out EMF radiation that a device emits.

As more and more people are learning about the negative health impacts that EMF radiation can cause, more businesses are creating Faraday cages and shields that are designed to help block out the radiation.

There are Faraday pouches for phones and smart meter shields as well. These products are essentially Faraday cages that help protect you from EMF radiation.

While you may be able to find a premade Faraday cage for your air conditioning unit, it’s relatively simple enough to create your own. 

All you will need to do is use some mesh that is made from a conductive metal and shape it to create a cage around your air conditioning unit. 

As long as it is covered on each side and there are no open gaps or large holes in the material, you should be able to effectively block out all of the radiation.

If you want to be sure that you’ve done it correctly, you can always use an EMF meter which is a device that is able to detect EMF radiation. 

EMF meters are a great tool to have since they can scan an area and allow you to see just how much EMF radiation is around. 

You can use them to see that the Faraday cage is working by checking the EMF levels around it before the cage is put on and then comparing it to your results afterward. You should find that the levels have been dramatically reduced if installed properly.

3. Get an EMF Meter

Trifield TF2

I recommend this step in many articles on EMF Academy, and I think it's for a really good reason. Not only is an EMF meter a simple and invaluable tool, but it's also one of the only ways to actually know if you're being exposed to large amounts of EMF radiation.

On top of that, implementing measures to reduce your exposure isn't very useful if you can't actually measure the impact they are having.

In the case of your air conditioning units, doing things like getting distance or covering it in a faraday cage aren't helpful if you don't actually know if those measures are in fact working.

The EMF meter I recommend for this purpose, and most others, is the Trifield TF2 by Alphalabs that you can pick up on Amazon.

Not only is it well priced, but it's also accurate, simple to use, and measures all three types of EMF radiation.

4. Get A Dirty Electricity Filter

I won't go too in-depth on this, because I already have a full and in-depth guide to dirty electricity filters, however, I think it's important to mention in the context of air conditioners.

If you don't already know, dirty electricity is essentially unusable power that gets stuck in our electrical wiring, and produces a field of EMF radiation. It occurs because the wiring systems in homes were not designed for the varying needs of modern electronics.

So, your devices might need more, less, or varying amounts of power, and your current 60 hertz AC system might not be able to supply it.

Air conditioners are notorious for causing dirty electricity, which over time can build up in your wiring system and expose your home to EMF radiation.

Luckily, you can purchase filters for this dirty electricity that are fairly inexpensive. Be sure to check out my full guide on dirty electricity filters if you want my recommendations.

5. Distance Yourself

Finally, if all else fails you can always distance yourself. If you live in a warmer climate and experience hot summers, then turning off your air conditioning completely is probably not an option you’re willing to explore.

You also may not have access to mesh materials to build a Faraday cage or have the means to purchase one premade. The good news is, you can still protect yourself and limit your exposure.

The closer you are to any device that emits EMF radiation, the more of it you absorb and the more damage that can be done to your body. The most important thing to remember is that if you cannot avoid it, stay as far away from it as you can.

You want to put as much distance between yourself and the air conditioning unit as possible. If you live in a home that has a single air conditioning unit, this should not be too difficult. 

For reference, the most harmful radiation frequencies are said to range between 50cm and 1m away from the device. Obviously, you will want to maintain at least this distance between yourself and the device, but preferably more.

Harmful effects can still happen at a greater distance than that from your device. This is another reason why having an EMF meter can be very helpful. You can use it to test what is a safe distance to be away from your air conditioning unit. 

The meter should light up red or indicate by sound when the EMF radiation exceeds the safe limits. 

There are quite a few ways you can protect yourself from EMF radiation that’s emitted by air conditioning units. If you live in an apartment, consider distancing yourself as far as possible from the unit, especially if you aren’t able to install a Faraday cage.

If you’re able to paint in your apartment, try using EMF blocking paint in the room that you sleep in so that at least when you are sleeping, you’re not absorbing too much radiation. 

As long as these methods are practiced, having an air conditioning unit should not pose too much of a health concern. 

The Faraday cage method may be the best option since you will still be able to enjoy the benefits of using an air conditioning unit but without the harmful effects. 

Related Questions

I wanted to quickly cover a few related questions that I think are important. If you've read this far and still have questions of your own, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do my absolute best to get back to you and help in any way I can.

Do Fans Emit EMF Radiation?

The simple answer is that yes, electric fans do emit some EMF radiation. In fact, fans, especially modern tower fans, actually emit a surprising amount of electric field radiation, more than I would have imagined.

In fact, I just measured a tower fan, and at very close distances, it was almost maxing out the electric field readings on my Trifield TF2.

However, distance is the important factor to consider here. Although fans do actually emit a fairly large amount of EMF radiation when they are operating, it falls off very quickly with distance.

I would say that if you have a fan and it's at least 3-5 feet away from you, it's exposing you to virtually no radiation. Since the radiation emitted is only electric field, and not radio frequency, it can not travel nearly as far.

This also goes for ceiling fans, if they are at least 3 feet above where you spend time, you are probably perfectly safe. However, if you're worried about high EMF readings, you can always purchase an EMF meter and test for yourself.

Do Air Purifiers Emit EMF Radiation?

Yes, just like air conditioners, air purifiers also emit EMF radiation when they are operating.

In my experience, air purifiers emit far less radiation than air conditioners, primarily because they simply require less power to operate.

However, if you want to read more about the EMF radiation emitted from air purifiers, Honestemf.com wrote a good article on the subject.

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